Automation of work in MS Excel with VBA
Course description:
Why learn in English? Learning in English is beneficial to the participant for many reasons. Companies tend use English as a main language inside the office. Projects people work on are usually for different countries, which forces us to prepare them in English. It makes collaboration easier – if you work in a multinational company it is easier to explain something in Excel using English function names. Problem solving is easier as well – most of questions raised in the Internet regarding VBA are asked and answered in English. Those are only a few benefits of learning in English.
Course is dedicated both to people who want to discover the world of macros as well as those who know the basics of VBA programming language and wish to systematize and deepen their knowledge. There are no initial requirements ragarding programming skills. However, a very good knowledge of Excel is required. The goal of this course is to learn how to automate everyday work in Excel with macros. The whole course is dedicated to learning Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language.
Course begins with a short introduction to VBA environment, but ends in an intermediate level. You will learn how VBA editor works, how to record macros, edit code – but also how code is built and how to optimize it, how to define variables, how VBA syntax looks like – constructions, conditional statements, loops and dialog boxes. Course is very intensive. Numerous animations, presentations and examples will allow participants to create own macros after only a few hours of classes.
Detailed course subjects:
- VBE editor structure
- recording macros: developer tab, recording macros, relative and absolute references, running macros
- structure and optimization of code: VBE editor structure, Excel file elements, code syntax, procedure syntax, reading, describing and organizing recorded code
- referencing ranges of cells: ActiveCell, Selection, Cells, Range
- VBA objects: properties and methods, classes, collections, hierarchy
- VBA variables: numeric, text, logic, objective variables
- functions and formulas in VBA: formulas in VBA, formulas in Excel, function in VBA, worksheet functions in VBA, functions (dialog boxes) MsgBox and InputBox
- constructions: With … End With, For Each … Next
- conditional statements: If … Then, Select Case
- instructions: GoTo, Dir
- loops: For … Next, Do … While, Do … Until
- error handling
- accelerating macro speed
- numerous application examples applying knowledge gained during the whole course and showing acquired skills, e.g. application importing periodic sales data (separate text files) to Excel, consolidating them into one database, creating reports for respective product groups or cities and saving them in separate xlsx and pdf files
- Nauczyciel: Łukasz Filipiuk
- Nauczyciel: Przemysław Kusztelak